Head Scarves Like Beyonce in Dreamgirls
I finally got around to watching Dreamgirls. (And in two years, I'll probably see Juno.) Not only was Beyonce's character Deena Jones obnoxiously cherubic, but neither Jackie O nor mod is her look.
It got better sartorially when the plot moved to the 1970s. One of my favorite looks was the black suit with dramatic ruffled blouse and jaunty hat. (If the hat isn't jaunty, it's not worth wearing.)
But the look that got me thinking was the headscarf Beyonce was wearing while wailing "Listen." (The nipply jumpsuit from that scene is dead to me.) Even though I lopped off my curls for a pob six months ago, I think I could still rock the glam pirate look.
The key to pulling the head scarf off so elegantly seems to be picking a tone that is close to your hair color. Beyonce's scarf in the above picture was a deep purple which wasn't a shocking difference from her chocolate brown hair.

First row: gold flower, silkcharm.com $34.95
russet flora scarf silk, fashionscarvesandshawls.com $24.95
ocelot oblong silk, Coach $68
Second row: yellow crinkled scarf silk, fashionscarvesandshawls.com $22.95
multi dot, Fred Flare $14.99
orange with chocolate trim, silkcharm.com $34.95
Third row: brown stripes silk, Fendi, forzieri.com $138
navy and white chain-link silk scarf, Banana Republic $48
dark brown paisely silk, Gucci, bluefly.com $236

First row: gold flower, silkcharm.com $34.95
russet flora scarf silk, fashionscarvesandshawls.com $24.95
ocelot oblong silk, Coach $68
Second row: yellow crinkled scarf silk, fashionscarvesandshawls.com $22.95
multi dot, Fred Flare $14.99
orange with chocolate trim, silkcharm.com $34.95
Third row: brown stripes silk, Fendi, forzieri.com $138
navy and white chain-link silk scarf, Banana Republic $48
dark brown paisely silk, Gucci, bluefly.com $236