Project Runway: Chris vs Rami

In a fist fight, Chris might have the advantage. However, going into the design throwdown, it looked like Rami's excellent construction (and his draping abilities) may give him the edge over Chris's over-the-top, costume style. But no one could know for sure. Ultimately it was anyone's game.

Chris chose unique materials for his gothic collection including chrome safety pins and human hair. The looks were dark, but original.

Rami stepped beyond his draping and designed beautiful clothing, although some things were a little less than flattering.

The judges thought both collections were dark and overworked. In the end, the judges picked Rami over Chris.

Edit: I should have mentioned that this is the semi-final. The judges ruledtwo weeks ago that Rami and Chris had to battle it out to get to Bryant Park. Next week we will see Jillian, Christian and Rami's collections on the runway, and one will be the winner of Project Runway.

Visit Project Runway's Countdown to the Runway to see behind the scenes fashion footage.


Jael Paris said…
Wait. Where's the fierce kid? I only know anything through you. Tell me!
Anonymous said…
I was crushed when I realized I'd have to miss PR tonight and hope for a rerun (my friend got a letter saying she was not one of the 5 out of 108 selected for her dream grad program, we needed beers). But I knew I could come to you and find out the shocking conclusion. Thanks!

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