Save or Splurge: Evening Shoes

Evening shoes are not a typical part of my life. I own one pair of black satin-y shoes with really high heels that I've worn maybe twice. I can usually get away with dress-y shoes without going all the way to evening shoes. This makes evening shoes probably my only shoe save. The only problem is the comfort level. Cheap evening shoes are not the best shoes, but for the number of time I wear them, saving seems more logical. Plus, not every evening shoe takes you to every evening event and matches every evening dress. There may not be a perfect classic here depending on how adventurous you get. What about you? Will you splurge to get the perfect shoe for that perfect dress? Or do you save with a simple pair that will get you by when you need to wear evening shoes?
If you are the splurge type these Sergio Rossi Suami shoes are a stunning $634.00.