Love or Loathe? Feathered Sandals

I'm pro feather. When the fuggers fug someone for wearing feathers, I always think what others consider over-the-top to be high glam fabulousity. (Especially if that someone is Tyra Banks. If her self proclaimed fierce self can't pull off feathers, there is no hope for my obsession.)

Yet, I'm torn on this teal feathered ankle cuff sandal. It feels less fab and more Cherokee as interpreted by Beverly Hills. When I picture it worn with a floaty summer dress, it goes back to fab.

What are your thoughts on this sandal and on feathers on shoes in general?


Anonymous said…
I despise having anything tickling my feet. Thusly, these shoes look like torture devices. Ditch the feathers and they're cute, but leave the tickle torture alone.
Anonymous said…
I love the feather aspect, but I agree- the colors, the way the leather has been shaped and the little tassels are trying a little too hard for the Native American look for me.
Ca Snajder said…
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Ca Snajder said…
I made these. What do you think?
For those who like feathers it is a smart way to get this season's look without investing on designer shoes.

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