Save or Splurge: Hair Products

I think most women either save with drug store discount products or splurge on pricey salon products. I've tried every discount product out there and even many of the salon knock-off products. Some of the work pretty well. However, some salon products just cannot be beat.
My ultimate salon product is Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam (pictured). I've tried every mousse on the market and this one works the best for me. It cost anywhere from $16 to $23 dollars for 16.9 oz. Most good drug store brands cost around $3 to $6 for 2.5 to 4.6 oz. Yes that is a lot cheaper, but you aren't getting nearly as much and the price per ounce isn't that different. I've also found that I have to use more of the drugstore brand than the salon brand so I have ended up spending more money for a lesser mousse.
Hairspray is a whole different story. Tressemme light hold is the best and only $3 for a big can. Many of their products are quite nice.
The rest of my products all come from John Frieda. He is the friend of the everywoman. Brilliant Brunette shampoos, conditioners and shine products are great. Frizzease products (dream curls) can control anything.
So I'm a mix. I splurge on one salon product. I semi-splurge on the pricier drug store products. And I super save on the discount stuff.
What about you? What are you amazing product recommendations?
Also, the word verification thing this time was "vqvqvq." It amused me.