Get What You Pay For?

I'm pretty sure that people who buy ready-to-wear designer clothes pay little attention to price, and as Oustapop commented on that hideous Marc Jacobs dress, if designers can fool someone into paying such an outlandish price, the problem lays with the shopper. Still, if I were to spend thousands of dollars on one piece of clothing, I'd go for something with fine tailoring and so much detail Forever 21 would never be able to knock it off. For example, the pleat work on this two piece Zac Posen grapevine dress is sheer art. Matthew Williamson is also selling a maxi dress, but his is hand painted. Or I could buy this bold butterfly print dress by Alexander McQueen, who I dearly love. All three of these dresses are at least $1000 cheaper than the Issac Mizrahi.

*Since writing this a few days ago, some of the prices have dropped, but none as much as the Isaac Mizhari dress. It appears the shopping masses agree with me.