Save or Splurge: Designer Deals

Alexander McQueen Clearance
I love designer clothing. I especially love the quality, construction and amazing attention to detail. Clothing like this seems like both a treat and an investment. I would love a great piece of designer clothing, but it falls way outside of my budget. This means I'm left to stumble upon a designer deal.

However, even designer super deals are well over $100 at best. My wallet still doesn't like to stretch that far unless it's stretching for a perfect classic piece. For the most part, designer deals are a splurge. If I find the perfect little black dress, a great shoe, or the best fitting pants in the world I will spend the money. But if it isn't a piece that will expand my wardrobe, I'm not will to pay for a designer piece just for the sake of having designer clothing.

I think this is the mistake most people make when they find a great price on a trendy designer piece. They buy it, not thinking about how they will work it into their wardrobe or if it is really the quality they are paying for. Most designer deals are found on things people didn't buy, and there may be a reason no one bought it. You could be lucky with a unique size, sense of style or just being in the right place at the right time. However, you could also end up buying the ill fitting dress with the trendy print you'll hate next year.

Jael Paris posted some great designer deals to build your wardrobe last week, some of them are still available.

McQ Crepe Cowl Dress, Was $253, Now $126


Robin said…
Holiday season is the primary source of getting more discounts, this guide is really helpful I found today from web

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