Dress Up Your Curves: Shoes For Everyone

I've found several sites that carry my size and my mom's size. She wears a 10.5 wide. However, these sites do not have cute shoes. They usually have really high prices too.
Designershoes.com seems to be a little better than most. They still have the ugly shoes, but there are some fun shoes for strange sizes. I found a few cute sandals in a size 7 double wide for a friend.
Designershoes.com carries several brands I've heard of and a few I haven't. Overall it is far from a perfect shoe source. The selection is hit or miss. I've visited a few times and noticed quite a fluctuation in what they have. The name of the site turned me off at first. The shoes are far from designer. The search is a bit slow too. And you do have to troll through a lot of ugly shoes to find the cute ones, which may not always be there.
However, this is one of the first sites that have pointed me to a bunch of hard-to-fit sizes. Mostly I've used it as a resource to learn about brands that do make my size or sizes of friends who have difficult feet. I haven't purchased anything yet to see if these are a good quality, but some products look pretty good for the price.
Does anyone else have a great shoe shop for hard-to-fit feet? Has anyone used Designershoes.com?
Andie Wedge $49.99 for sizes 10.5 & 11