Etsy Shop of the Week: Valhallabrooklyn

Valhallabrooklyn makes lovely leather bags on Etsy. The shop features a variety of handmade leather bags in a range of beautiful colors, leathers and styles. In addition to being well-made, these bags are unique and stylish without being trendy, which means they can be carried for years to come.

I love how soft and rich the bags look. The shop offers some vibrant leather colors too. This French Blue Alberta zip bag made from lamb skin (pictured above) looks like a great everyday bag for summer. At $185, this bag is an investment, a good investment.

offers everything from little wallets and cases to large luggage bags. Custom orders are welcome too.


Fashion Addict said…
I like the color of that bag, it's a color you don't see that much of!

BTW, would you like to do a link exchange with me?

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