Project Runway: Episode 2

Tonight the designers were challenged to create a cocktail dress, and the models were their clients. Overall, the challenge sounded pretty simple, but they threw in a twist (of course). The models were sent shopping so the designers had no say in what materials or colors they were working with. Also, the fabrics all had to be green so the designers were working with natural fibers.
Many of the models chose the same fabrics as others, and many did not purchase enough material. However, the designers created a lot of great looks.
The top two looks were very different, but used the same material. Kenley created a chic, sophisticated evening look. I love the ruffled collar and sleek styling. I would love to wear this.

Suede created the winning look with the crazy, fun, flirty dress. Natalie Portman was the guest judge, and she loved it. Suede also gets his look sold on If you love it as much as Natalie did, watch for the dress to show up there.

While I like Suede's creation, Suede needs to stop referring to Suede in the third person because Suede is driving me crazy.
The bottom two consisted of Leanne and Wesley. Again, these two dress were made of the same material, and they had a lot in common included difficult to work with material. Both were over worked and sad looking. Leanne had a lot going on and did not flatter at all.

Wesley tortured his fabric, and the dress didn't fit his model at all. In the end, he went home.

Check out the rest of the dresses on Bravo's website.
Photo Source: Bravo