Clothing Through the Ages on Ebay

Clothing Through the Ages is an Ebay store that primarily lists items through the buy it now option. If you worry that means you won't be able to find great deals, fear not. You will spend less here for vintage dresses than you would for a retro look dress from Forever 21. The dress department is not as spectacular as some other shops, but if you've been looking for a nice slip for fancy night gown, this shop should be your first stop.

1950s chiffon night gown $24.99
1970s sheer white maxi dress $35


Unknown said…
ah! remember when we were talking about my inability to find a nice slip, ever, to wear under an ecru silk dress? i just found one, for 3.99!
Anonymous said…

Please check out my website for more retro and vintage clothing if you get a moment to spare.


Retro Flower
Anonymous said…
Another amazing vintage find...can never have enough sheer slips

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