Project Design: Fall Leaf Jewelry

Project Design is our own friendly competition where we put together collection of independent designers for you to rate on your very own imaginary runway.

Fall is here. Over the past few years fall has become possibly my favorite season even though it plagues my allergies more than any other season. I love the colors, caramel apples, pumpkin spice lattes and the excuse to start wearing tights and cuddly sweaters. So this week, Project Design is featuring some lovely jewelry inspired by fall's falling leaves. Which autumnal jewels will you be wearing?

Autumn Leaves Earrings by Butterflyjewelry

Pumpkin, Hoots, and Oaks Charm Bracelet by laralewis

Maple Blaze Necklace by StokesGalleries

Brass Leafy Branches Necklace by alyson1234

Brass Sparrows with Yellow Lucite Leaves by alyson1234


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