Dramatic Feather Collar

I have an embarassing confession: I really like something Britney Spears wore. For years, I've been coveting her shrug from the cover of Greatest Hits: My Prerogative. The shoulders and collar look like black goat hair, but I'd love to have a version of that collar with black feathers.

When I went to the Michigan Renaissance Festival, I met Jacklyn Grageda, the fun lady who runs Feathers For Pleasure. She makes hats, pins, jewelry, and anything else your feather loving heart could desire. She even made this delightful black feather collar ($300). It's dramatic and maybe a little Vegas. I have know idea where I'd wear it, but I want it.

If you're interested in purchasing a custom feather creation from Feathers For Pleasure, you can email Ms. Grageda at RangerRic1111[at]yahoo[dot]com.


Anonymous said…
Haha, yea, it is fab, but I'm struggling to think when it would be appropriate to wear. :-)
Jael Paris said…
No idea, but I am the type of person to dress up for a simple spaghetti dinner. Still, I can not justify $300 of fabulousity.

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