Love or Loathe: Flower Purse

On the one hand, I think a bold woman could completely pull this off as an every day bag. It could also be really cute for evening with a simple dress. On the other hand, I think I had a purse like this when I was in middle school and thus wouldn't be able to carry it without flash backs of frizzy hair and OMG HE JUST LOOKED AT ME! If you're interested, this rose bag by LimeNRose is $24.99 on ebags.


Allison said…
I feel like you definitely have to be a certain type of person to pull this look off!
I think it would look perfect on Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, while I would constantly debate if I could pull it off or not!!
Unknown said…
loathe! I love the flower broach or flower pins in the hair, but not a purse! it's almost like those ugly little bustier purses. heh
Vicki said…
Love it. I would ROCK this bag with a little black dress. But then, you know me and flowers.
BekkaPoo said…
Even here in Florida where you can get away with big bright flower prints, or all manner of bright colors and patterns, this would still be a no. Just no.
Anonymous said…
If I were a purse person, with a bag for every occasion, I would love it. But I'm not. I don't go out often, and I've already got a fun bag for that, so it's a no for me. But I really do like the idea of it.
Rachel said…
I wonder if it looks cheap in person, because it looks really good in the picture. I like it, but I don't think I could pull it off.

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