Etsy Shop of the Week: Lirola

Last week, I found an Etsy shop with classic LBD designs you could order in your size. This week I've found Lirola's original designs, which can also be ordered by size and fabric. These cozy, girly and sporty clothes are stunning.

My favorites are the Shawl Collar Sweater (picutred) and the Pleated Torero Dress. The shop may be small, but it has a lot to offer. The handmade clothing looks like the best quality, and the designs are stunning.


Jael Paris said…
That pleat dress is uber fab.
Rachel said…
Pretty! I like that sweater. Looks like one of those things that would look great on anyone.
Anonymous said…
WANT! Everything looks really well made. And the styles are very wearable.
Wow. Looks extremely wearable. Am going to check her out now.

Added you to my reader.

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