Oscar Trends

The biggest evening wear trend at last night's Academy Awards was the preference for off-white. Personally, I'm not a big fan of white tones as they do nothing for my skin. These actresses, however, pulled it off nicely. Who was your favorite woman in white?
l-r: Anne Hathaway in Armani, Penelope Cruz in vintage Balmain, Evan Rachel Wood in Eli Saab Haute Couture
l-r: Taraji P. Henderson in Roberto Cavalli, Sarah Jessica Parker in Dior Haute Couture.
Not pictured: Jennifer Aniston, who wouldn't stop hugging her boyfriend long enough to get a decent picture of her dress.

Green jewelry was a smaller trend. This one I adore as I can't seem to stop buying green earrings. I especially like that none of the women with green jewels were wearing green dresses. Fight the matchy-match!
Oscar nominees Angelina Jolie, Amy Adams, and Melissa Leo can tell you the way to the Emerald City.

As you can see from the pictures above, very little was going on in the makeup department. (Such a switch from the silver shadow of the Grammys.) Most women skipped the usual smoky eye for simple eyeliner and mascara. The lipsticks were very natural. I think some of the actresses just wore Chapstick -- not the best choice under bright lights. What do you think of the natural look for a formal event?

Image source: yahoo.com


Anonymous said…
I like it

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