FMF Reader Poll: Lipstick

Welcome to the FMF weekly reader poll. We're hoping to get to know a little more about you, our beloved readers, and have a little fun with fashion questions. This week we want to know what kind of lipstick you are...


Iva Messy said…
I mix a little of everything, depending on the day/occasion/etc.

fun poll!
Jael Paris said…
When I wear makeup, I want it to be dramatic. Bold lips are easier to slap on than dramatic eyes. I love my burgundy, brown and red lipsticks. I'm not opposed to a colored gloss, but it's not as fun.
Tasha said…
I'm definately more of a natural lips and dramatic eyes person. I feel I can be more creative that way. Good work on being featured on the polyvore blog btw :)
Jael Paris said…
That's one of my very favorite editorials, by the way, becca.
Anonymous said…
I chose 'other' because I use many different ones. Bold, bright red, pink, or coral. Glittery yet natural color shades. Nudes. Deep red. Gloss in clear, clear shimmer, peach and pink shimmer. BeneTint lip stain. Lip balms, and a combination of all of these. :3
browniechan said…
I also picked "other", since I don't limit myself to one type. Of course, there's the problem of not always being able to afford makeup...

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