$150 Challenge: Couture-Inspired

This week's $150 Challenge was inspired by the abundance of black lace at last week's haute couture shows. Add crazy heels, a little glitz and a pop of color for your own personal runway. This bold party look cost a non-designer price of $141.32.

lace dress, Forever 21 $29.80
ruffle pump, "Cut That Heel" by Irregular Choice on Endless $77.52
blue snake clutch, Prezzo on Amazon $30
chunky ring, Charlotte Russe $4

If you have a $150 Challenge for us, send us an email (or Tweet us or Facebook us or use pigeons).


Fashionista said…
I love love love that clutch..where can i can get that?xoxomish
Jael Paris said…
It's available on Amazon and Endless.
Nice post!

Now a days lot of designs have arrived in to men & womens fashion style. But one of the key items every men & woman should have is a pair of jeans that flatters your figure and can be dressed up or down.

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