Magazines are frequently full of requests to know what Amanda/Gabby/Charlotte wore on
Ugly Betty/
Desperate Housewives/
Sex and the City, and the answer is Black Halo.
Black Halo is one of those brands that is so classic and so well cut, people sit up and take notice. But the key is the cut. A dress that hugs the curves and looks tailored to your body without being too sexy is not that easy an item to make. So imagine my surprise when
Forever 21 tried to make a version of the
keyhole ruffle dress I thought so
perfect for becca. I just looked at the knockoff (because when you're talking about a $300+ dress, any cheap version is worth consideration), and it just doesn't curve. The website clearly used gobs of pins to give it shape, as there is no way it would work on a hippy girl like me. For me, this is a case where you wait for a sale and splurge on a killer dress. What would you do?