Product Review: Caress Evenly Gorgeous

Bad news first. I hate, hate, hate the brown sugar smell. It makes me feel like I'm washing myself in candy, but I don't care for scented things anyway. Chances are good that a Bath and Body Works junkie would go nuts for smelling like a baked good. For me, the smell is so strong I may avoid the product, and I can't imagine someone with sensitive skin like becca not breaking out from using it.
On the good side, it really does exfoliate. I've been having a dry skin problem for the past six months or so, and Caress' Evenly Gorgeous made my skin soft, smooth and comfy.
On the whole, I would buy this bodywash when they come out with either a clean scent or scent free version. If you're interesting in trying it, Caress has a coupon for their entire body wash and bar soap line on their website. While you're there, don't forget to sign up to win either a $100 gift card or a trip to New York City to see a fashion show and have a style consultation with Carson Kressley.