Product Review: Caress Evenly Gorgeous

Caress asked us to review their new exfoliating bodywash, Evenly Gorgeous. I've been using it nearly every day for three weeks and have mixed feelings about it.

Bad news first. I hate, hate, hate the brown sugar smell. It makes me feel like I'm washing myself in candy, but I don't care for scented things anyway. Chances are good that a Bath and Body Works junkie would go nuts for smelling like a baked good. For me, the smell is so strong I may avoid the product, and I can't imagine someone with sensitive skin like becca not breaking out from using it.

On the good side, it really does exfoliate. I've been having a dry skin problem for the past six months or so, and Caress' Evenly Gorgeous made my skin soft, smooth and comfy.

On the whole, I would buy this bodywash when they come out with either a clean scent or scent free version. If you're interesting in trying it, Caress has a coupon for their entire body wash and bar soap line on their website. While you're there, don't forget to sign up to win either a $100 gift card or a trip to New York City to see a fashion show and have a style consultation with Carson Kressley.


Tasha said…
I've found it so hard to find a body exfoliator that does actually work well, so nice to hear about one that does what it says it does :)

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