Save or Splurge: Off Season Clearance

This is the time of year where I start hitting high-end boutiques and department stores to find those $300 dresses down to $80. However, that $80 is still more than I'd pay for most in-season clothing. Do I save or do I splurge?
A little of both. That trendy maxi dress in an outrageous print may only cost $20 from $80, but I'll save my money and move on. (I might get it for $5 later though if the fit is great). But the stunning linen pants or the cute sundress that can turn jumper for fall and spring, those are splurges I'm willing to make. When winter fades into spring, I love to grab 90% off cashmere and half-price winter coats. These off season buys fill my wardrobe with quality basics at budget prices.
What is your strategy for off-season clearance? Save or Splurge?