Unpadded Bras Are Summer's Friend

We've had a heatwave lately. Over 90 with a good portion of humidity. I know it's bad when I'm sweating at two in the morning. Our last few summers have been viciously hot, but I was prepared this year. Like most women, I wear padded bras. Some are lightly padded. Others are padded for mondo cleavage. This summer, however, I've been reveling in unpadded mesh bras. I wore them all the time in high school, but stopped when teenage me was embarrassed about the effects of over-air-conditioning. Well, I don't have air-conditioning at work, and since many summer events are outside, it made sense to break them out again. Guess what, it is more comfortable to go with out a quarter inch of foam insulation when the mercury rises. Who'd have thought? If you're worried about sheerness with your clothing, you needn't. The market is flush with opaque, unpadded options as well as mesh, both underwire and not.


Anonymous said…
just dont wear one at all

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