FMF Reader Poll: Happy Birthday To Us!
In the excitement of fashion week, I totally forgot that yesterday was Fashion Me Fabulous' 2nd birthday! I can't believe we've been at this for two years. Thank you to all our lovely readers who keep us blogging.
Favorite Things: feeling like I have an idea of what's going on in the fashion world without having to follow all the seasons and shows myself, your shopping posts, your humorous writing, Polyvore outfits, love or loathe... I kind of like a lot of things...
Least Favorite Things: Do I have to choose something?? Not that I particularly dislike them, but I rarely check out the Etsy shops/Vintage shops of the week.
Awesome job keeping it up for this long- it's gotten so much better over time and I'm sure it will continue to do so. Bravo!!