This Week on Fashion Me Fabulous

November 1st is the last day to enter our $25 T.J. Maxx Gift Card Giveaway ! This Week in Color: We rounded up colorful winter coats , boots and scarves . Also check out this colorful Etsy shop , these unexpected color combinations , vote for your favorite color combos , and tell us if you save or splurge on buying one of each color . This Week in Shopping: Check out Lola Vintage , unicorn shoes , and an entire outfit on sale (save $100!). Also, Jael Paris reviews a great experience shopping at Sock Dreams . This Week in Your Opinion: What do you think of this goth glam gown , this week's episode of Project Runway and sexy Halloween costumes ? Speaking of Halloween costumes send us a picture of your costume, and we might post it on Facebook. Email us at editor[at]fashionmefabulous[dot]com And speaking of Facebook, Jael Paris posted some experimental color outfits on our Facebook page.