Lola Vintage on Etsy

Shop: Lola Vintage on Etsy

What: Dresses, blouses, and a little in the way of other clothes

When: 1950s-1980s

How much: Very affordable with prices hovering around $20-$40

Learn more:

Favorites: satin peplum dress 80s $34; green slingbacks 60s $16; gold drape dress 80s $36; colorful bow dress 80s $24


What a happy way to start my day, finding myself on your fabulous blog! Thank you again, and btw, the quote by Chanel is one of my very faves, so true. xoxo

WickedThrifty said…
great shop and love the blog- thanks for the link! only thing seems to be that she buys for herself mostly (xs and size 5 1/2 feet!) so most of it only works for teeny people :P

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