This Week on Fashion Me Fabulous

This Week in Color: We rounded up colorful winter coats, boots and scarves. Also check out this colorful Etsy shop, these unexpected color combinations, vote for your favorite color combos, and tell us if you save or splurge on buying one of each color.
This Week in Shopping: Check out Lola Vintage, unicorn shoes, and an entire outfit on sale (save $100!). Also, Jael Paris reviews a great experience shopping at Sock Dreams.
This Week in Your Opinion: What do you think of this goth glam gown, this week's episode of Project Runway and sexy Halloween costumes? Speaking of Halloween costumes send us a picture of your costume, and we might post it on Facebook. Email us at editor[at]fashionmefabulous[dot]com
And speaking of Facebook, Jael Paris posted some experimental color outfits on our Facebook page.