The Aughties are almost over and all the fashion trends have happened. While the decade brought some lovely clothing like lots of ruffles, it also brought things like Crocs, which shouldn't even be called a shoe. Some things are hot debate topics--are skinny jeans a best or a worst? Others are clear winners--who doesn't love all the retro styles?
Below, vote for your favorite "best" and least favorite "worst" fashions (multiple selection are allowed). Also, let us know in the comments if we missed anything.
I know some people involved with a charity "Crocs For Kids" where they bring Crocs from North America to under privileged kids in South America because they're inexpensive and provide protection that those kids wouldn't have otherwise.
Maybe they are ugly. Wear them as slippers, water shoes, or in public showers... just don't wear them as your regular shoes.
Worst- Leggings as pants.