FMF Reader Poll: Lady Gaga

Last night, Barbara Walters interviewed (who she deemed) the most fascinating people of 2009. Lady Gaga made the list. I actually forgot to watch the interview (Mom said Lady Ga was one of the more interesting ones), but I'd have liked to have seen it. Lady Gaga intrigues me. At first, she annoyed me. Most of what she says still annoys me. However, I liked her VMA performance--so over the top. And, even though she often goes too far (lace body stockings are not clothes), I love that she loves to wear crazy stuff. Plus, I can't get Bad Romance out of my head, and I want her McQueen shoes, NOW! Walters was right. Love her or hate her, Gaga is one of the most facsinating people, and dressers, of 2009. (Also, I love how much she scared Eminem in this photo!)

What do you think of her fashion sense FMF readers? Love, loathe, couldn't care less? Cast you vote and feel free to elaborate in the comments.


Caitlin said…
I watched the interview last night and it just made me love her more. I had been secretly obsessed with her for awhile and never wanted to admit it. I finally did about a month ago and now I can't get enough Gaga!
Unknown said…
Love Lady Gaga, her fashion sense, even though it's out there, she's definitely put herself on the map. She's a performer, and a very talented one at that.
Audi said…
I love her fashion sense, and I love that she takes risks and pushes the envelope. What I don't love is the fact that her music is nowhere near as interesting as her outrageous style; in fact, it's saccharine and trite. What bothers me even more is that from many reports she is actually a very talented musician, so why not do something groundbreaking and innovative in that arena too?

Then again, maybe she's just doing it for the clothes. I guess I'd sacrifice my art for those McQueen shoes too.
JiaoJiao said…
dislike her fashion sense so much that I love to make fun of it.

The music is ok tho.
Jevon said…
Love lady gaga xD.
and Omg we both hit 315 Followers haha
keep up the good work.

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