Love or Loathe: Crochet Rainbow Vest

I already had this crochet vest from Forever 21 tagged for a future love or loathe, then I saw an American Idol contestant wearing it Tuesday. It looked okay on her, better than here. The colors plus the doily pattern on the back are too much for me, but I don't really have a laid back, hippie style either. What do you think?


becca said…

However, if it was a solid color, High school me would have worn it every day.
Kimberly said…

I saw it on the rack at F21 and thought the colors were pretty, but I, personally, don't think it would be very flattering on me.
Amy V said…
Not sure... like?
I like the look of it... but would never wear it. The back is the most fun! The front needs a little attention... it is asking for it.
LyddieGal said…

But I might consider it in a solid.
Anonymous said…
Where can I buy one of these

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