What Would You Pay? Bow Umbrella

Be sure to check out last week's button earrings. Most of you said you'd pay up to $20 for them. Check out how much they really cost.

This week, we want to know what you would pay for this bow umbrella. It's sweet and whimsical, which is exactly what I want to get me through a rainy day. It's white printed on black nylon with a lightweight wooden handle. It will look just as nice protecting your hair from the rain as it will closed as a walking stick when the weather finally blows over.

Next Tuesday I will announce on Twitter and Facebook (as well as in this post) where this is from and how much this costs. If you know where this is from, DON'T tell everyone and spoil the fun. The actual cost will skew everyone's answers. Until then, what would you pay for this cute umbrella?

Update: This umbrella is from Bluefly.com and costs $48.


Fanya said…
hmm...3 things:
1. unlucky as I am, rains are accompanied by strong wind every time wherever I go. This doesn't have the two layer thing to prevent it from flipping over in strong wind, so no.
2. it's not a collapsible unbrella, so I can't put it in my bag. =(
3. It's black, so it makes rainy days feel more blah for me. If it was white with black bow, it would've been cuter.

Thus I won't buy it. But it looks to be...about....mmm....$30?

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