Love or Loathe: Skulls
Wearing images of skulls in nothing new, but it exploded as a trend most recently with Alexander McQueen's Spring 2003 pirate show and the debut of his skull scarves. Since then, they've ebbed and flowed as a motif. One week they seem to be confined to rocker style attire, the next Rihanna shows up at an awards show in a feathery dress with a skull clutch and they flood out again on all things glam.
My husband told me he finds the trend morbid, reminiscent of a Victorian death cult. Some people have told me they associate it with the mall punks and their forced coolness. Personally I like skulls because I find them beautiful. I find bones of all kinds beautiful, but skulls in particular are entrancing. Unlike a face print, they're anonymous, allowing the shape be prominent.
What do you think of skulls in fashion?

What do you think of skulls in fashion?
but to me its none of that "forced coolness" stereotype.
They just appeal to me, and here, where I live, its kind of like a sign of youth...which is great cause I kinda look old for my age.
to me, they're not just a trend..
theyre ME :)