Poll: Who Wears Short Shorts?

Shorts are one of the most oft debated clothing items if my research (and by research I mean eavesdropping on other shoppers) is correct. Even some women with thin thighs and nice legs seem to prefer a Capri pant or a skirt.

I think shorts are adorable, but no matter how cute the shorts are my long legs and super curvy hips and thighs usually turn sweet into a slutty. I also get a little discouraged when a brand's pants fit in one size, but I have to go up TWO sizes for the shorts to fit, which makes for a wonky waistband fit. I'm still on a search for shorts, but I've lived without them for several years now.


Kasmira said…
I'm with you on shorts being too sexy. My legs are just way too curvy. I have to go with loose shorts to keep from looking slutty.
Jael Paris said…
I'm with Kasmira. I've found a few paper bag pairs that work nice, but I'd like to have some shorts custom made on Etsy.
Sarah Dee said…
The only shorts that look good on me are high waisted vintage ones!

chibiyui said…
I'm very "meh" towards denim shorts, but menswear city shorts (which hit a bit above the knee) ? Love them and rock them.
I say OTHER! I store all my weight on my thighs (sigh) so maybe if I lose some? Wide leg shorts tend to look okay on me, but they're harder to find these days!
rachel said…
My thighs are not for public display, but I have one really cute bloomery pair that I wear with tights or leggings in the cooler months.
Even though I regularly go to spining classes and my thighs are much more trim...I still get hung up on feeling uneasy about showing off my legs in shorts!

A cute summer skirt is a fabulous option!
Fanya said…
Shorts are great for those windy days and for when you are running around. HOWEVER, my absolute rule: it must be ~mid thigh for me and not skin tight. I'm curve, so any shorter look slutty and any longer makes me look bigger.

I have a pair of bright yellow shorts and a pair of bright pink shorts that I pair with neutral color top and whatever shoes.

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