Poll: Tuxedos for Women

In Sex and the City 2, Carrie wears a tuxedo to a wedding (I haven't seen the movie, but based on what I've gathered from the trailers on TV everyone at the weeding was wearing tuxedos. Correct me if I'm wrong.) Because of this, I was recently asked what I thought of women in tuxedos. I love it. I want a really great, tailored tux. I also love tuxedo elements in clothes. Its a classic menswear look that has a subtle sexiness when tailored to a woman's curves. What do you think of tuxedos on women?

Pictured: The iconic Helmut Newton photo "Le Smoking"


Cyndle said…
I said yes to tuxedos on women--my only problem is a bow tie. I don't like that. And I actually feel like the tux on SJP in the preview looks TOO tux-ish--not enough feminine edge. Love the photo you exhibited though!
Angharad said…
I remember seeing pictures of Tilda Swinton in a tux a while back and she looked stunning. It's a daring fashion look that I suspect a lot of people (including me!) might not be able to pull off, but for those who can - go for it! I thought SJP looked fab in the tux until she put the world's worst hat on her head - not sure if that featured in the trailer?!

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