How To Wear Black Velvet

Velvet was one of the biggest trends on the runway for Fall 2010. I, for one, am swoony about it. Velvet is a major weakness of mine, but it took me a while to learn how to wear it. Not that my middle school mistress of the dark look was awful, but I don't think that's what most of you are going for. In fact, I bet most of you would like to know how to wear black velvet in a way that doesn't evoke gothic images.

The opposite end of the spectrum from gothy and Victorian is colorful girlishness. Think all things twee with a retro bent. Barrettes, floral details and candy-inspired nail polish are great details to pull off the look.

Also not dark, academia. (Unless dark libraries count.) Velvet bottoms would look great with argyle, a colorful blazer or cardigan and some form of oxford.

I own two black velvet blazers (and one burgundy velvet blazer), and I'd like to think I know how to style them. In the fall, I usually wear one with a colorful shirt, colorful pumps, jeans and great vintage jewelry.

Another great use for a black velvet blazer is extending the season of a print dress. The example below uses an animal print, but any print dress gets an air of refinement with a black velvet blazer.

For some reason, when it comes to black velvet, people want to start wearing it with lace, ruffles and other romantic notions. But remember, it's just black.


Fanya said…
I have a question.

So I've always wanted a velvet jacket, but wouldn't the fuzzy part at the elbow gets worn down? cuz that's the only thing preventing me from owning velvet.
Sarah Dee said…
Thank you for posting this!

Jael Paris said…
Fanya, I've never had that problem and the burgundy one I have is over 10 years old.. If you're worried about it, you could always get one that is styled in such a way that it could look cool with professorial elbow patches.
Fanya said…

I feel safer about wanting velvet now. I actually have some gorgeous midnight blue velvet I want a dress out of...but I suspect butt-patches won't look as good as elbow patches. =)

but I will at least get a jacket out of it as soon as I figure out the style I want.

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