Halloween Costume Ideas

American Tourist: Wear some old sneakers, a loud print shirt, fanny pack, camera (if you have an old camera it's even better), sunglasses, and a hat covered in themed pins (London, New York City, Disney World, etc).
Static Cling: If you don't have much time, this one is pretty good. Just wear a normal skirt and blouse but pin them up in a couple spots by the hems. Make the "cling" very obvious. Using gel and hairspray, stick up sections of your hair. Ta-da!
Bad Unicorn: One of our readers said that a recent love or loathe made her think of unicorns "in a bad way," and I haven't been able to get that idea out of my head. Of course, you could be a good unicorn, but where's the fun? You'll need a horn, and Doe Deere can tell you how to make one. Wear white. I used tights and a tutu for my look, but you can do anything. Throw on black and emo looks. For my look, I chose black jewelry and black makeup. Black glitter or a makeup scar on your face would be a nice touch.