The Horror: Stop It While You Can
No. Top Shop, you cannot legitimizes Kesha's pleas for attention. Do not contribute to garbage chic. This cannot be a thing, only a disease.
Do not style girls wearing so much face glitter that it actually looks like dirt. Do not encourage the wearing of feathered headdresses. You may not be aware since you're a British store, but that's an issue here in the States. While we may have lost the fight against pantslessness in certain metropolitan areas, AT LEAST CLOSE YOUR FREAKING LEGS. You can't deny your plot, Top Shop. A combination of tie-dyed fringed leggings, a torn shirt under a mangy vest, and a bizarre and possibly culturally inappropriate hat, lead to one place, and I don't want to crawl in that dumpster.

And if I wanted to look like Kesha, *ahem* Ke$ha, I just wouldn't shower for two and a half weeks.
there is such a thing as being too pc.
am i offending the french by wearing a beret?
i didn't think so, either.
And actually, the majority of French find the beret homey, and old-fashioned, much like AMericans find the straw farmers hat. So, you would not be insulting a Frechman - you'd only be embarassing yourself.
Quite frankly, I'm upset that something as fun as this blog must lay waste to such catty comments.
An opinion is an opinion. Fashion is opinionated. Get over it, or don't wear it.
Which works to support our shared point anyway, so all is well. :)