Pick Of The Week: Everyday Skirt

You need a workhorse skirt. A skirt that is the office equivalent of a pair of jeans, unassuming and reliable. One that won't show too much thigh or any stomach. One that, on the dreaded day your alarm doesn't got off, can be grabbed at a moment's notice and paired with whatever top you happened to have grabbed in the dark. Urban Outfitters is selling just such a high-waisted, a-line skirt. It's available in black and dark teal (which they strangely call navy). It's knee length in one photo and above the knee in another, so you'll certainly want to try it on if you're tall. Being rayon, it's pretty wrinkle free, so on that day your alarm fails you, you won't have to look like it did.


Caitlin said…
Cute! I need skirts that aren't minis...haha
elnz said…
I love the skrt actually i have one color purple. hmm. guess i should wear it staring now. thanks for posting this

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