Jeggings: Am I Missing Something?

I suppose a denim look legging makes some sense with all of the "is it a shirt or dress?" confusion in stores, but I haven't seen anyone wear them that way. They're wearing them as pants--even the Jeggings without the little fake (or occasionally functional) back pockets. These things are a visible panty line nightmare (no matter what kind of underwear you choose--and no underwear is painfully obvious).
I understand the appeal of jeans that don't cut, pull, inch downward and have a comfy elastic waist, but most Jeggings end up looking like a cartoon version of jeans, especially if your shirt doesn't come down long enough to hide the top. (There are some pricey ones that look real, but who pays that much for a trend?) I've seen some children look cute in them, but children look cute in a lot of things grown women may want to avoid.
What do you think of Jeggings? Love them? Loathe them? Can't believe I'm writing about them?
P.S. Conan (pictured) may wear Jeggings for entertainment value anytime...
Still, though, I think they're the better half of the 'leggings-as-pants' trend. Somehow, this has become completely acceptable at my school, and it just makes me cringe every day to see it. At least jeggings *sort of* resemble pants. With plain leggings, *everything* shows. I just don't get it; it's like you're walking around in your underwear.
...Wow, that turned into a rant. Sorry.