I've purchased two tubes of lipstick from this brand, but I can't give it a standing ovation for everyone. I have #42 and #49. They're the truest red and deepest purple imaginable. For once, I didn't buy a tube of lipstick in a gorgeous color only to have it be weak-sauce in application; Make Up Professional's colors are bold and opaque. Trouble is, bold colors are high maintenance. To make this color last a little longer, you need to
$17 lip liner layered underneath the
$19 lipstick. Without the liner, the lipstick will feather and settle into the lines of your lips. I also feel this product would be better applied with a brush than straight from the tube. For me, the hassle is worth it for the color, but a lover of peony and beige would be better off with a long-wear formula.
I just bought a lipstick brush for the first time earlier this week! xx