$150 Challenge: Meeting His Parents

Tips my co-worker's girlfriend could have used when meeting his conservative parents:

- Remember when you and their son were doing donuts on the ice? Don't share that.
- That time you helped the cops solve a murder may not be the best way to impress.
- They don't really want to see your roller derby bruises.
- Don't let them know your bedroom is decorated like a crime scene.
- Maybe save the drag racing stories for next time.
- If you're worried your nerves will get to you, dress cute and patiently listen.

dress, J. Crew at the awesome clearance price of $69.99
floral cardigan, Old Navy $29.50
nude heels, Rampage on Endless $38.95
flower ring, Topshop $15


Anonymous said…
Jael Paris said…
Thanks to my coworker for letting me pillage his embarrassment for good copy.
Anonymous said…
Thanks to my girlfriend for making my life a living h-- I MEAN-- giving me wonderful stories to share with my coworkers. ;)

(If said girlfriend is reading this - don't worry, I still love you. <3 You make me lol.)
Fanya said…
I love that dress color!

Too bad I already have way too many gorgeous dress (1 that I haven't even worn yet)...

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