Baby it's cold outside. Right now, tights and boots aren't cutting it for warmth. I'm all about my leggings. In fact, I have unexpectedly become the owner of several pairs. Staying warm has a strong draw for me.
My number one all-time favorite leggings are the
Simply Vera Vera Wang for Kohl's leggings (they're $20 a pair but always on sale). I got these several years ago and fell in love. Sadly, I only had one pair, which I eventually tore. They didn't carry them last year (prompting a long search for leggings). They're back now though, and I'm stocking up!

Hue makes my favorite tights so it's only logical that they'd leggings (
$25 at Bare Necessities). They are very similar to the Vera leggings but come in more colors. Best of all, you can usually nab them for a half the regular price at T.J. Maxx or Marshalls. (I got purple ones this weekend for only $10!).

While I swear by Vera's leggings, I've read that Vera swears by
Danskin leggings ($26, pictured left). I haven't tried them, but I've heard a lot of good things about them. I have tried the
Danskin Now leggings (pictured right), which are from Danskin's lower priced line sold at Walmart. They are technically exercise leggings/yoga pants, which is what I bought them for, but when everything else was in the laundry, they worked great as regular leggings. Plus, they are sweat wicking, which is nice. I can't argue with the $7 price tag either. (F.Y.I. They run a full size big.)
Not pictured: I have a stellar and very warm pair of black leggings from H&M. They are a bit stiffer than my other leggings and will crease at the knees if I wear them for too long of a day. However, they hide all them lumps and bumps other leggings sometimes reveal, and I love that for that.