New York FW 2011: Mandy Koon, Threeasfour
Who: Mandy Coon
What it made us think of: Gothic office casual
What we liked: leather, hard lines, that pouchy cape thing, belts, hooded sweaters
What we didn't: The punker hair, while intuitive for the clothing, felt like it limited the way these clothes could be perceived.
Who: Threeasfour
What it made us think of: Spiralgraphs
What we liked: Threeasfour continues to be one of the few design houses at New York Fashion Week that is boldly experimental. After so many business suits and evening gowns, this show is a breath of fresh, artistic air.
What it made us think of: Gothic office casual
What we liked: leather, hard lines, that pouchy cape thing, belts, hooded sweaters
What we didn't: The punker hair, while intuitive for the clothing, felt like it limited the way these clothes could be perceived.

What it made us think of: Spiralgraphs
What we liked: Threeasfour continues to be one of the few design houses at New York Fashion Week that is boldly experimental. After so many business suits and evening gowns, this show is a breath of fresh, artistic air.

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