Belated Fantasy Birthday Shopping for Jael Paris

This past weekend was Jael Paris' birthday. She usually does a post for my birthday where she takes a fantasy shopping trip and picks things she knows I would absolutely love. I've been plotting to do the same for her. (I'm a wee bit late with her post, but I'm sure she'll forgive me).

Jael, you love McQueen. You love McQueen even more than I do, which is saying a ton. If I could, I would simply buy you the entire McQueen archive. However, if I were to pick from the current online store offerings, it would be this toned-down leather version ($1,165) of the McQueen for Target denim jacket we both own and love. It manages to be both edgy and ladylike so I know you would find endless possibilities for it.
Unique head-wear is my go-to gift for you. I love trying to make you something crazy fun, and I also love that you're bold enough to wear it. A hat from Topsy Turvy Design on Etsy would probably the be ultimate in head-wear (aside from an actual Philip Treacy design). I picture you taking on your own version of a Steampunk Sherlock Holmes mystery in this creation called "The Patience" ($275).
This item could double as decor as well as an accessory for a swanky party dress. After all, what's more fun than a peacock feather fan ($26, Amazon)?
Harness Jewelry always makes me think of you. It combines the interest of a harness and the versatility of a necklace (which can often be worn as simply a necklace and not always a harness). I see you making good use of this Montmare harness necklace from Dmetal on Etsy ($75).


Anonymous said…
amazing. I love the harness thingy!
Jael Paris said…
I do have a Holmes addiction.

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