Retro Shoes

I love vintage shoes, but between the heavy wear and narrow fit, I have to indulge my wants with fabulous reproductions. Mary Janes, t-straps, peep toes, low heels. If it looks like it's from the 20s-50s, I'm there! I like to wear them with Victorian jewelry and funky outfit. How do you wear retro heels?
Top: pale green and beige t-strap, Seychelles "Pot of Gold" on Endless $89.95
polka dot sling back, Naughty Money "Dolled Up" at Nordstrom $64.95
gold mary janes, indigo by Clarks "Sateen' on Endless $100
Middle: black and cream open oxford pump, Miz Mooz "Symphony" on Endless $109.99
powder blue button mary janes, Aerosoles "Rolling Hills" on Endless $79
tri-color t-strap, Seychelles "Countdown" at DSW $69.95
Bottom: mustard peeptoe, Seychelles "Watching The Clock" on Endless $89.95
brown tones mary jane t-strap, Naturalizer "Becca" on Endless $66.45
wingtip t-strap, Kimichi Blue at Urban Outfitters $48


Lynette said…
Beautiful shoes, as you can see we love retro and vintage. Keep up the good work!
pat said…
Cute selections
Caroline said…
I like the polka dot.
Barbara Pantuso said…
As I checked, this is a awesome post. I love it, thanks for sharing.

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