Bow To Your Leader: Bow Blouses

I have a weakness for bows. I can think of few things that wouldn't be improved by a bow. I've been noticing a ton of pretty bow blouses in the stores this spring, which has me quite happy. Pictured:
bows! bows! bows! blouse, Fred Flare $68
Treehouse Window Shirt, Modcloth $55.99
Shop Owner Top, Modcloth $37.99
Bow-neck Blouse, JC Penny $11.99

Short Sleeve Pussybow Ruffle Blouse, ASOS $21.52
Vest Practices Top, Modcloth $49.99
Loosened Shelby Blouse, Anthropologie $58
Sun Spot Pussybow Blouse, Topshop $75


Jael Paris said…
I call these pussy bow blouses (because that's what they are) and people look at me like I either said something shockingly gross or awesomely naughty. Does anyone else have this happen? Can I tell people to grow the hell up?

And I want the one from Fred Flare.
Tina Marie said…
I love tie neck blouses!! They are so feminine and retro!
becca said…
I also call them pussy bow blouses and get the same reaction. I pointed to a cute one in a store recently and commented that "I really like that Pussy Bow Blouse." A woman in earshot actually gasped. So yeah, "grow up" is a proper response.

I want the Fred Flare one too!

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