Jason Wu for Target Review

Oh, Target. It seems like I cover the same complaints every time I review one of your designer collections? Can't you just make things better? Is it really that hard to tell us which stores will be carrying a collection and which won't? Can't you send a full or close to full line to the stores you do stock?

Once again, Target has only release their designer collection to select stores, but you'll have to call or drive around to figure out which ones because I can't find a list on the website anywhere. They also didn't send the full collection to all of the stores. I visited two stores this morning (and I'm sick, look at all I do for you, dear readers). The first had tops and a couple dresses, but no accessories. In fact they only had two little, mostly empty display racks (one is pictured). They had had the bags but were sold out. The second Target had nothing so I got some cold medicine and came home.

I'll keep my rant brief since I make the same one for every Target collection, but isn't the point of bringing a designer to Target to let everyone get a stab at those designer goods? Remember the early days of designer collections when you could visit any well-stocked Target during the week of the debut and get most of the things you'd spotted in the commercial? What happened to that?

As for the clothing itself, I think they did a pretty good job from what I was able to see. The clothes are all polyester and rayon--no natural fibers--but they are constructed better than most of what Target offers these days. The fit seemed to run true to the sizes I usually wear at Target so if you know your Target size, don't be afraid to order online. (I can only speak for the dresses and tops. I didn't see any skirts). Speaking of online, not much is available there. I had hoped that meant more would be available in the stores. Maybe you get more if you live in a major fashion city where they put all the stock in a "pop up" store last week. *shakes angry fist*

I think Wu did a good job of designing cute, feminine pieces in fun, unique prints that Target was actually able to pull off in a decent price range. The dresses I saw were $40, which isn't bad for a top of the line Target dress. The tops ranged in price from reasonable for a blouse to more than I'd pay for a t-shirt. I just wish Target would stop messing up the distribution.

Did any of you venture out to find Jason Wu for Target this morning? What was your experience? Did you buy want you wanted?


Jael Paris said…
These lines don't come to Indiana anymore even though they always sold fine. Thanks, Target!
Courtnee said…
I didn't make it out because I'm sick too:( I set my alarm this morning and was peeved that the one dress i was coveting was in stores only...boo! I did order 2 other things but I'm almost 100% sure I'll return them.
Unknown said…
Target had a list on their Facebook page of what stores were carrying the line. Mine is, but I have to work so I wont be checking it out till later this week.
Elizabeth said…
I was able to get everything I wanted online, except for a couple items, and managed to snag one of those two items in store today. I added Target Style on my Facebook, and though I don't have Twitter, the Target Style handle was leaking links to single items starting at about midnight. The online store was limiting people to two per size per item, but in store it was anything goes. There are some horrific videos of two people with their carts completely full of all of the products available just to resell them on ebay. The Madison, WI store was pretty tame, but people snagged everything by about 8:30am. I think it went a little smoother than Missoni, but still could have limits in store I think.
Heather said…
I waited until around noon, because I wanted to avoid the potential insanity. I almost skipped going all together because the "find a store" on the Target website was showing that everything was out of stock at my store. Thankfully, I went anyway, because it was wrong. There wasn't a large selection, but it was definitely better compared to a lot of others' reports and I was able to try several things on. Got the cat scarf and cat tee online, and bought the belted navy floral chiffon dress (plus a spare cat tee, in case my order was canceled) in store. What appealed to me in the lookbook was the kitty and navy floral print, so I'm a happy camper!

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