Project Runway All Stars: Finale Part 1

I. Can't. Wait.
What Happened
The designers were challenged to created a five piece collection in four days. After a very cool visit to the Marie Claire offices, the designers had a chance to sketch and hit up Mood before returning to the workroom, which had been divided into three separate work spaces. Each of the judges visited for some Q&A time until Angela arrived with the dreaded All Star Twist (because five looks in four days to win a quarter of a million dollar prize isn't twist enough). The designers would have to create a sixth look for their original models using fabric scraps from their past challenges. Also, they would get 24 hours of help from an eliminated designer. Mondo picked Mila. Austin picked Anthony. And Micheal ruined the alphabet game by picking April (at least he stuck to "M"s and "A"s). After the short help session and best one liner (Anthony called Austin's blouse "Dead white lady."), Joanna kicked out the helpers and gave light-speed critiques. Cliffhanger.I absolutely hate that they didn't get to do a full collection or at least get more time. These crazy time limits don't make for great fashion. Why couldn't they have had a week or even two?
After The Runway
Mostly this was a rehashing of fights that looked worse because of how they were edited. However, I did like hearing how each designer came to fashion. Mondo talked about a path that involved drawing, studying piano, working with a milliner, doing some junior sportswear in NYC, breaking his hip and moving back home then ending up working in a theater as a stitcher. Austin talked about his road to acceptance and support from his mother. And Michael talked about his very cool mom who never saw anything wrong with his love for fashion from the time he took apart his sister's clothes when he was two.The Collections So Far
Austin: He says his collection is a mix of Fragonard (French painter), Madame de Pompadour (official chief mistress of Louis XV, eponym of Pompadour/French heels, someone who met The Doctor), modern day rock stars and Hasidic gentleman. Also, it's a wedding theme (surprise). Overall, it's just very Austin from what I can see/understand.Michael: He is going on a resort safari. This works with the animal print trends and his very resort-ready vibe. He called it a crusade: "Indiana Jones and the Last Costello." I hope he finds ways to make this interesting or it could all have been done before.
Mondo: After struggling to the point of insanity, Mondo landed on a "therapy" theme. He didn't just go for shock therapy (though he included it). He branched out for inspiration from acupuncture and the look of ink blots. It's looking very strong (but I am very biased at this point).
Who Will Win?
My vote is for Mondo. I want him to win. I think his concept has the most potential (I suppose Austin's does, but it's too confusing). Also, he went to a really dark place emotionally, which usually means he made something amazing.Cast your vote for the winner in the comments. Tell us why, and what you think of this final challenge. Also, what were your favorite one-liners and digs? ("Starlet Scarlett")
Cait, I forgot about home visits! I can't believe they robbed us of the delight of seeing Joanna do home visits!
Mondo gets my vote. I love Austin's personality and I do think Michael is skilled, but Mondo is really an artist and has SUCH a clear style. I'll be bummed if he doesn't win, but I do still like the other two... at least it's not a Gretchen scenario.