Pick of the Week: Gear Ring

I recently saw this gear ring in person when one of my brother's friends showed it to me. It isn't just a ring with gear decorations. These gears work! I have never seen a piece of jewelry that is so fun to play with (and I always play with my jewelry). I don't know if I could actually wear this ring because I would never do anything but spin it. Watch the video to see how it works. Also, the video shows it as a men's ring, but I saw it on a woman's hand. It looks equally cool on either gender and makes a unique gift for any and all mechanically minded people. (F.Y.I. Father's Day is next month, and lots of people are graduating with mechanically-inclined degrees). The Kinekt Gear Ring is made of stainless steel and sells for $165.


Jennifer Wells said…
That IS fun! My mom has serious ADD, maybe it'll give her something to do.
Anonymous said…
This Kinekt Gear Ring is very original.

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