$150 Challenge: Heck Yeah, Velvet.

I believe we've featured this green velvet dress before, but now it's on super clearance! Being green velvet, it's perfect as a Christmas party dress. However, since it's a mossy shade instead of emerald, you can wear it other times of the year without looking Christmasy. Since this is a statement dress, I kept things simple with a nude bootie, metallic box clutch, and cuff bracelet. I would wear this look with dramatic gold and bronze eyes and nude lips and nails (yes, I said nude!).
Green Velvet Dress


LyddieGal said…
that dress is a gorgeous starting piece - and I'd love to pair it with some oxblood accessories too!
Chic on the Cheap
Jael Paris said…
Oooh, I like the way you think.
Jennifer Wells said…
Ha! "Nude bootie," is the best phrase ever.
Anonymous said…
wow really love the dress and clutch!


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